made to JUST give.

What do WE do?
We provide the goods which are the most essential to those who need it the most.
We don't just give and leave. At Transparent Philanthropy, we are dedicated to making a positive change.
We work 24/7 and 365 days a year; helping people never stops.
Unlike every other donation organization, we will NOT use even $1 of your donations for our own benefit, growth or company resources. It is transparently given from you to those who need it most.
To ensure that you can count on us, we will personally post a video in relation to EVERY donation of a sum of $100 or more. This will allow you to visually see the impact you have made.

Transparent Philanthropy was founded on the basis to visually see what a donation can do to make a difference. Of course, a statement relating to how your help can save a life gets you thinking, but as soon as the money leaves your account, that's it., you don't know if the money is used for a starving child or a flight for a board member on the donation committee.
We can't explain how much of a difference it makes when someone knows what they have helped with, because those donors who do know, are the most constant helpers we have.